Stock Drum Liners on Rolls and Cases


To extend the life of your stock drums and reduce cleaning costs, use our Industrial Stock Drum Liners and Salvage Drum Liners. These drum liners are made from 100% virgin Low and Linear Low-Density Polyethylene Material. Although drum liners are not guaranteed to be leak-proof, they do maintain the purity of wet or dry products including food items. Available in clear or black. On perforated rolls for fast, easy tear-off or packed-in cases. For ordering, please contact us, if you don’t see the size you need below–we can also make Custom Sizes that fit your needs.

We Have A Variety Of Sizes In Stock, Please Review The List Below And Send Us A Request

Drum Liner Options

Stock Drum Liners on Rolls and Cases ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
55-60 GALLON ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
Item No. Size Mil Color Count Weight
FP3147-L 38 X 60 2 CLR 100 28
FP3148-L 38 X 65 2 CLR 100 30
FP3150-L 38 X 60 3 CLR 100 41
FP3295-L 38 X 60 3 BLK 100 41
FP3151-L 38 X 64 3 CLR 100 44
FP3152-L 38 X 65 3 CLR 100 44
FP3155-L 38 X 60 4 CLR 50 28
FP3300-L 38 X 60 4 BLK 50 28
FP3302-L 38 X 64 4 CLR 50 30
FP8727-L 38 X 65 4 CLR 50 30
FP8725-L 38 X 60 6 CLR 50 43
FP8730-L 38 X 65 6 CLR 50 47
FP8733-L 38 X 65 6 BLK 50 47
STOCK DRUM LINERS ON ROLLS ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
40 - 45 GALLON ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
FP3305-L 40 X 48 3 BLK 100 34
FP3307-L 40 X 48 4 BLK 50 24
STOCK EXTRA LARGE/SALVAGE DRUM LINERS ON ROLLS ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
85 GALLON ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
FP22-9-19A 24 X 20 X 72 6 CLR 30 38
55 GALLON ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
FP22-8-18A 22 X 16 X 65 6 CLR 35 35
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